Finding Funds for a Down Payment
A soft second loan, sometimes called a silent second, is subordinate to the first mortgage, whose payment is deferred or forgiven until a specific date or the resale of the property. This would mean that buyers would not have to contend with regular payments thereby keeping their debt-to-income ratio lower and more affordable. While normal lending institutions may not be open to such types of financing, family and friends may be. In some cases, these relatives and friends may be inclined to make a gift to help buyers get into a home. Instead of an outright gift, if the person makes the loan, they have options to be repaid at some point in the future or in other cases, they could forgive the debt but don't have to make that decision today. There are more than 2,000 down payment assistance programs nationwide. State, county, and city governments run many of them. Other programs could be from churches, employers, non-profit organizations, regi...